Job 25; Mark 13-14
Mark 14:29-31
29 Peter declared, “Even if all fall away, I will not.”
30 “Truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “today—yes, tonight—before the rooster crows twicee]">[e] you yourself will disown me three times.”
31 But Peter insisted emphatically, “Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you.” And all the others said the same.
Peter was a rash man. He spoke before he could think about what was going out of his mouth. He was the type of man that was very emotional. He was led by his emotions and sometimes that got him in trouble. Peter was gung-ho for Jesus. He loved the cause and believed with all his heart that Jesus would save them. He was next to Jesus when he did miracles, when he healed the sick and stood up to the Pharisees. He was sold out.
There are good reasons and bad reasons to be sold out.
Good: you believe in something bigger than yourself. /The cause you are following is for the greater good. / You know you are doing something that is not selfish and helping others at the same time.
Bad: You can get so tied up in something that you forget why you were sold out in the first place.
I am a sold out Christian. Yet, in time I have realized the pros and cons and tried to keep my emotions in check and see the reality of it all. Sometimes there are people in my life who are also sold out but become sell outs. I don't want to do that. I want to remain sold out and know that I am not perfect. Believe that Jesus loves me for who I am and he remains loving me even with my faults. I don't ever want to doubt in Gods existence and choose another path just cause life doesn't deal me the perfect cards. I want to keep walking on the road that God is guiding me on and remain focused on him.
Peter had the right idea. He thought with all his heart that he would NEVER betray Jesus. But even a disciple of Christ can be led astray. We are all guilty of sin, and betray Jesus with that sin. But the good thing about Peter? He came back, on his knees, broken and ready to try again.
Thank you for brokenness. Peter was a broken man after he realized what his heart truly held. But he came back and I thank you for allowing me to come back. Thank you for helping me be a better person and showing me what my heart truly entails. I am not perfect nor anything close to it, but I want to be close to you. Close to your heart, close to your life. I love you.
I forever love you Always, Amen.
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