Job 13-14; Acts 17-18
Acts 17:24-25 24"The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. 25And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else.
Paul was a dynamic speaker. Whenever he would preach he would give his heart and soul to matter. He knew that God was real, that the Crucifixion was real, and he knew what God did for this earth and its people. However, other people didn't know and he was determined to tell them.
Paul was upset that people wouldn't listen and didn't care about the God that was keeping them alive. They had temples and statues built for other gods that didn't really exist. The people wanted something tangible but there God is something spiritual. And that's what Paul wanted them to understand.
God is powerful. He doesn't need a temple for himself or a statue for us to guess what he looks like. The church is a essentially a place, not for God, but for his people. We build churches for ourselves, to come together and worship Him. But we can do that anywhere. We can come together and worship and talk about God outside, in our homes, or even in the bathroom. God is everywhere. It's when we use those churches to build idols of Him is when we come into the wrong.
God wants us to love him, know him, have a relationship with him...simple things. He doesn't want us to build things, reject people, or hurt others in His name. He may have created the world, created us humans, given us life and breath, but He is simple because all he simply wants is love.
Thank you for creating me. For creating this beautiful world full of its beautiful splendors and wonders. No human could have created such color, mountains, flowers, seasons, or differences in this world. It was from a divine being so much greater than a human mind. It was you. And I thank you for the love you gave to me first and i am so blessed to have you in my life.
I forever love you always
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