Esther 9-10; Luke 19 Luke 19:5-7
5When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, "Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today." 6So he came down at once and welcomed him gladly.
7All the people saw this and began to mutter, "He has gone to be the guest of a 'sinner.' "
Jesus was an 'every ones man'. He loved all people, no matter who they were or what they did. And He still does.There have been people lately who have killed themselves because of their shame of the sin. They may not think its a sin, but i know its a sin. However, being homosexual (sin) is the same as lying (sin). The difference with people now a days is that they feel they can harass others just because they don't like who they are or what they look like. It's true I am against homosexuality...the sin...I am not against the person. There is still a soul, a spirit, a life underneath it all. The same goes for me. I am not going to bully, judge, or even harass a homosexual just because I don't agree. What I am going to do is love on them.
The problem with today is people go and judge, picket, and say dumb things in the "name of God". That is NOT GOD!! My God loves all people. My God will find them and tell them to get out of hiding and say 'lets go have some dinner'. And during that dinner, he would listen to them. Crack jokes with them, hug them, even pick up the bill. Zacchaeus was a thief. He stole peoples life savings, rent, food money, diaper money. He stole from the rich and from the poor. He had no shame, until he realized he was doing wrong and wanted to make things right.
Lets not be like the old Zaccheaus and steal the most precious thing to a person: their integrity. There are many things that get taken from us, but why should we take from others? We are not to be like old Zaccheaus, but we are to be like Jesus and not judge and love.... At least that's what I'm going to do.
Thank you for making me a Christian thats not perfect. I couldn't stand perfection because I know thats not what I am built for. I am here to love on your people, sinners and all. I am a sinner and i ask today for your forgiveness if I have judged someone. I ask for forgiveness if I have made someone feel less than. It is not their fault, its mine. You are what makes me keep going and you are my strength when I am weak. Prepare me for whats to come in this life so i can proclaim who you really are...A loving and kind God.
I forever love you always
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