Job 19; Mark 1-2
Mark 2:27
27Then he said to them, "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. 28So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath."
At this point of Jesus' time, he was beginning in his journey as the Messiah. He was letting the people see his works and miracles. He hadn't given a big teaching or given any explanation of who he was or what he was doing. He was being Jesus.
So many people today are easily swayed by words, propaganda, agendas, etc. They buy into such seriousness and don't learn to live life happy. Jesus said that the Sabbath was made for man, therefore it is our choice of how we spend the sabbath. We are to give God our attention and service to him, we are not to work, but enjoy that day. However the Jews wanted to keep to their old traditions and not change it in any way. They didn't want to help people on the sabbath. They didn't want to go out of their way to lend a hand on the sabbath. They didn't want to open their home to anyone on the sabbath. Because years before that's how the people of old would do things.
But Jesus is saying the old is gone and the new is here. Jesus came to change how we see things. He wants us to stay focused on the prize, to win the race...however there are some people that run, walk, crawl, jump, skip, slide...and Jesus says "that's just fine". Jesus wants us all to get to His kingdom but we will all go in different ways, and as long as those ways are pleasing to Him, than go for it.
Thank you for making things differently. I am blessed to see different people, different colors, different seasons, different styles and be happy for it. I know that everyone is unique because they were made in your image and by your hands which makes all the difference beautiful. You are beautiful.
I forever love you always,
1 comment:
Amen to that. I really enjoy that we are all different. This world would be so dull without all the people in it. I also love how we are to praise Jesus how we want to, not what a church says. Obviously, if it goes against what Christ says, then it's not right. Yet, we can still shout, whisper, skip, jump, or go absolutely crazy for our Lord. :D Hallelujah!
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