Joshua 9-11; 1 Cor 6
1 Corinthians 6:12
“Everything is permissible for me”—but not everything is beneficial. “Everything is permissible for me”—but I will not be mastered by anything.
Just because Paul says "Everything is permissible" to God doesn't mean that we should test the waters. There are times in a Christians life where they have to come face to face with their greatest weakness. This thing/sin has haunted them for years...something that they thought they gave it over to God. They havent seen this thing/sin for a really long time. They felt strong. secure that they were set free from this. Than when they go through their desert time, this thing/sin shows up. And it creeps up little by little. The Christian laughs old feelings off thinking its nothing, than BAM! the enemy pounces on them...what do you do? Do you give in or do you stand and fight?
If you decide to give up: When you give up you're allowing the enemy to win. You are telling him to just take over from here. Lets say you fall...again and again...if you give up you won't do anything after you fall. You won't feel anything, you'll be numb to the sin. You've become a slave to your weakness to allow it to be part of you.
If you decide to fight: When you decide to fight you still feel something. You don't just feel guilty if you've fallen but you also feel bad, angry, hurt. Your emotions are still intact and you get up again. You rise from the dust, brush it off, and instead of the enemy getting in your face...you get in the enemys face and you begin to taunt him.
Sin is a b*tch.
Don't let that thing/sin rule over you. Don't wake up the next day and feel guilty and depressed but get up worshipping God and thanking Him for another day and allowing you to ask for forgiveness. You are not a slave to sin. I am not a slave to sin. And i refuse for sin to crawl into me like a snake trying to get warm. Hell to the NO!
Lord, I am not perfect, i have allowed to let sin to take me over too many times. I want my life, thoughts, body, spirit, soul to be all in your hands. Forgive me God for thinking that I was in control and could do things all for myself. You are my all. I forever love you always Amen
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