Josh 3-6; 1 Cor 4
Joshua 6:25
But Joshua spared Rahab the prostitute, with her family and all who belonged to her, because she hid the men Joshua had sent as spies to Jericho—and she lives among the Israelites to this day.
When Joshua and Caleb and the rest of the men went to spy on Jericho, Rahab, a prostitute helped them sneak in and out. This was a woman who obviously didn't follow Gods law. She probably worshipped other gods. She was a woman who was selfish in her ways. She would sleep with men for money, married or single. She was an abomination to her people and her family. That's how those people saw her.
This is how i see her: She was desperate for something in her life to change. She didn't know what to do or who to ask. I think she wanted a better life for herself and family and something in the midst of it all went wrong for her. So she had to become a prostitute to make some fast cash.
And God being all-knowing and all-seeing heard the cries of her heart. God saw her for who she really was and wanted to give her a new life, than opened the door.
Rahab didn't have to help Joshua and Caleb. She didn't have to open the doors to her home, she could have easily got them killed. And God could have used someone else, but i don't think there was anyone more hungry, more desperate, more wanting of a change, or a touch from God than Rahab. She waited 40 years till the words of Joshua and Caleb came true. They told her and she waited. I don't know what she did during those 4o years. I don't know if she remained a prostitute. I don't know if she studied God and who He really was. All I know is that Gods word stayed true to the end...she was saved.
Joshua and Caleb didn't judge her, they didn't care that she was a prostitute. They wanted to spy out the land and do what God had sent them to do.
1 Corinthians 4:5
Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait until the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of the heart. At that time each will receive their praise from God.
When God gives us something to do and there are people around to help, don't judge their sin. God puts us in certain places at certain times with certain people for a reason. Joshua and Caleb didn't have time or the patience to sit and ask Rahabs background or to tell her that shes wrong and she needs God. They didn't need to explain the 10 commandments to her to make sure she knows God. They needed her help to do the will of God and she was willing.
God wants willing people, not perfect people. We are all sinners...I am a sinner. I can't hear the voice of God and expect the people around me to be perfect. If I am to walk in the will of God, than I will need help. Will that help always be Godly? Probably not. Is that OK? Yes.
I will know people in my life that are gay, prostitutes, drug addicts, murderers, thieves and will they help me do the will of God? If they are willing...they will be used by Him.
Lord, Rahab was a woman that was willing. I want to be willing. I want to be used by You. I want to see you and help those that want to get closer to you. Use me in your will. Let my words, breath, life be for your glory. Put unsuspecting people in my path that i may be a vessel for your glory and will. I forever love you always Amen
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