1 Kings 3; 2 Chronicles 1; Psalm 78; 2 Thessalonians 2
1 Kings 3: 7 "Now, O LORD my God, you have made your servant king in place of my father David. But I am only a little child and do not know how to carry out my duties."
Solomon was a young man when he became king. All he knew was that he saw his father be king and wanted to be like him. He knew that his father was a man after Gods heart and wanted to seek God too. Solomon was not a fighter, he was not a man of war, it was never implanted in him. David on the other hand was a man who wanted to fight for his country and for his God. As generations pass so do some characteristics. Solomon was quiet and kept to himself a lot. He wanted to have a great kingdom, one that God and his father David would be pleased of. As a young man he didn't know what to do and how to show his people that he could be their king.
v.9 "So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong. For who is able to govern this great people of yours?"
Even though Solomon was young, he was smart and he listened. He was an observer and he knew what he needed to be a great king. Wisdom.
At times, even though i am almost 30, i feel like i don't know enough to do what i do. I feel like I am too young and need more experience to be where I am, however God put me here and has kept me here for a reason. He wants me to be a pastor, a counselor, a friend to these young kids because He sees my heart. He knows my heart is for them and nothing else. He knows that I am here because He put me here and no one else at this moment can do what I do the way I do it. Same as for Solomon, even though he felt young and inexperienced, God grated him what he needed to be a great king.
Many of us no matter how old we are will make mistakes. We will not be wise at times and go down the wrong path. There will be times when we will not listen to Gods voice, as what happened to both David and Solomon, but they went back to listen to Him and followed Him once again. Whatever we ask for from God, ask from your heart but let God listen to your heart first before you open your mouth.
thank you for listening to my heart. You know me better than I know myself and you know what I need more than I do. Show me what I need to do next and how to get there. I want to follow you all the days of my life.
I forever love you always
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