2 Samuel 19-20; Psalm 55; Matthew 28
Matthew 28: 19-20 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them ina]">[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
Jesus had a mission. His mission was to make sure to get his message out to the world in whatever way possible. But there was a problem. Even though he performed miracles and taught better than the teachers, he was dead. And with death comes closure, comes somber, comes trying to get over someone. However Jesus wanted his death to be different. He wanted to relay a message therefore had to do something even more dramatic than rise someone from the dead: He had to raise Himself from the dead. Because the moment he brought in the awe factor was the moment that those doubters would start truly believing.
If Jesus wouldn't have risen from the dead, than he would have been known as a great teacher and someone who died for a cause. He wouldn't have been known as a Messiah as a king or as the Son of God. Jesus had to get his message across and use those people who were closest to him. He had to be dramatic and real for the gospel to be spread. And the way that we learned that Christ was real, is the way we need to show others to stop doubting.
Jesus may not be here to perform miracles, but he left his Holy Spirit to guide us to make disciples. Disciples means "learner" which means we are to be teachers. Teachers of the word, teachers of miracles, teachers of the gospel to make it real and modern. God remains the same, The Bible remains the same, but the people are different and we are chosen to make those disciples from all over the world and change this world one disciple at a time.
Thank you for making me a teacher of you. Thank you for choosing me to be one of the few to go out and have people learn about you through me. You could have chosen anyone but you saw something different in me. You saw my heart and you used it for your glory. Thank you for loving me the way you do and keeping me safe in your arms.
I forever love you always
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