1 Samuel 24; 1 Chronicles 8; Psalm 57-58; Matthew 8
Psalm 57:2 I cry out to God Most High, to God, who fulfills {his purpose} for me.
God has a purpose for everyone. He has a path for each and every one of us to take. Whether we take it or not is our decision. There are people that you can tell straight away that they did not take Gods path and others who you know are following God. Rich or poor each one has a choice. King David had a choice. He was anointed by God to be the next king but he had to wait to Saul was dead. Now, he could have taken his own path and killed Saul himself, and still be anointed king. Or take Gods way and wait it out to see what happens. If you keep reading King David waited on God and gave him a great kingdom. Doing things Gods way gets you above and beyond what you can imagine. Doing things your way limits your mindset.
Matthew 8:2-3 A man with leprosya]">[a] came and knelt before him and said, "Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean." 3Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. "I am willing," he said. "Be clean!" Immediately he was curedb]">[b] of his leprosy.
The leprous man could have stayed the way he was. He could have suffered his whole life without knowing how it would feel again with normal skin. What is the harm of finding out what God can do for you? What bad can come out of asking God if He can heal you? Sometimes we have to be at the lowest of the low to finally reach out to God. And God will take you there just so you can seek Him.
I was in a depressive state, anorexic, no friends, when finally i reached out wholly and completely to God. No one understood what i was going through, No one tried to help until the last minute, No one knew what my heart and mind was going through, only God. And He was waiting for me. He was at the door waiting for me to ask Him inside and when i finally did, it was the best thing i ever could have done.
Thank you for coming through that door and saving me. I know that i needed to ask you but you could have said no. You could have rejected me like everyone else but you saved me from a treacherous life full of hate and bitterness. Your strength covered my weakness and made me strong again. Thank you for loving me and knowing me when no one does.
I forever love you always
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