1 Samuel 13; 1 Chronicle3s 2-3; 2 Corinthians 12
1 Samuel 13:13-14 "You acted foolishly," Samuel said. "You have not kept the command the LORD your God gave you; if you had, he would have established your kingdom over Israel for all time. 14 But now your kingdom will not endure; the LORD has sought out a man after his own heart and appointed him leader of his people, because you have not kept the LORD's command."
Samuel, through Gods help, chose Saul to be the first king of Israel. Before there were judges who helped keep justice and peace throughout the land. Before judges there were leaders like Moses and Aaron and Joshua. The people wanted to be like everyone else so they cried out to God for a king. Saul was chosen by the people and Samuel anointed him. Throughout the time of his kingship he lost his way. He stopped listening fully to Gods instructions and started doing things "his way". However, when we start doing things "our way" God decides to step back from the big picture. Just like He did with Saul. And the end result, God chose somebody who would do things Gods way.
God gives us options: His way or my way. He doesn't do it to be selfish but to be real and for us to have free will. The pros about Gods way are:
I will take joy from the end result
I will have peace
I will know its the best for me
The cons:
It will be hard
I will suffer
I can lose friends and loved ones in the process
The pros about my way:
I can be cautious
I can control things
I know what can and cannot happen
The cons of doing things my way:
I will not have Gods best
God will be second and not first
I will not be as happy as i would
I thank you for your will. I thank you that you have everything under control and your will is the best will. You are my number one and you know my heart and have the best in store for me. Help me to stay in your path and see you in everything.
I forever love you always
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