Num 17, 18; Ps 29; Mark 4
Numbers 17:8,10 8 The next day Moses entered the tent and saw that Aaron’s staff, which represented the tribe of Levi, had not only sprouted but had budded, blossomed and produced almonds. 10 The LORD said to Moses, “Put back Aaron’s staff in front of the ark of the covenant law, to be kept as a sign to the rebellious. This will put an end to their grumbling against me, so that they will not die.
God told Moses to give each tribe leader a staff. The staff was no more than a piece of wood. Nothing special. After Moses each gave them a staff he put them in the tabernacle overnight. When Moses entered the tabernacle in the morning he noticed that Aarons (leader of the Levites) staff had blossomed and produced almonds. God told Moses to put Aarons staff in front of the Testimony so those people that were rebelling could see it. When the people saw it they were afraid because this was another sign that God was watching them, rebellious or not.
The Israelites abandoned God than came back when there was a miracle. Than they rebelled again than came back. They sinned than they would repent. And it was a cycle that happened with every generation. And it is still a cycle that goes on today. I don't have to be an Israelite to know that I, one of Gods children, participate in this cycle. I don't do it on purpose, I don't want to admit that i do it, but i do. As a sinner I abandon God for that sin...than when i repent I come back. I may not grumble or groan like the Israelites did...I may not worship a golden calf...I may not wish that I was back in slavery instead of following God to freedom. But I do complain about little things in life, that i wish God would fix...I do worship other things in life by putting them before God...I do wish sometimes i can do things that are not pleasing to God just because its easier for me.
I can't say I am better than anyone else, especially the Israelites. I can't say i have seen more miracles than they have, because i haven't seen miracles like they did but i still believe. I am human...I sin...I make mistakes...but i love God with every being of my body, spirit, and soul. I want God to show me those miracles, I want God to be more evident to me. I want to see a staff grow almonds..I want to see manna fall from the sky...But even more, I want to see God.
Lord, Thank you for being evident. You are everywhere and I may not see You or feel You..I know you are there. You have never abandoned me or forsaken me. I trust in your word, your love, your life, your promise for my life. I trust in you My God. Thank you for always taking care of me. I forever love you always Amen
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