Exodus 1, 2; Psalm 88; Luke 21
Luke 21:1-4
As Jesus looked up, he saw the rich putting their gifts into the temple treasury. 2 He also saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins. 3 “Truly I tell you,” he said, “this poor widow has put in more than all the others. 4 All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.”
I've read this passage many times and have heard it preached...mostly for offering. But there are two things that i never paid attention to until now. Jesus said "these people gave their gifts out of their wealth...but she out of her poverty..." Jesus was trying to teach the people when they give they should give out of theyre most deperate state. When someone is rich they are comfortable, they are able to give some and still have some left over for themselves. But when someone is poor they have scraps, barely anything to get them by, if they give they won't have anything left over.
Jesus wants us to give as if we won't have anything left over. If I have food on my plate and i see someone who is hungrier than me..He doesn't want me to give them my fries and I keep the steak. No, He wants me to give the steak and fries. If someone is freezing and I have a sweater around my waist, he doesn't want me to hug them and try to warm them up...He wants me to give them my sweater. When we are giving, we need to give with EVERYTHING, not just material things either but also with a giving spirit.
Money is great but if we give with a spirit that makes us happy that we are giving to God, than thats better than a million dollars. God would rather us give knowing we are giving what we can instead of having a forced giving attitude.
The rich man knew he was rich and gave a little bit, he even probably thought he was doing a good thing giving a little bit and helping the church, but his heart was selfish...it was still about him, what he was doing, what he was giving. The poor widow gave her last two coins because she probably believed that God could do something bigger with it. She probably praised God for those last 2 coins because she was able to give them to God.
thank you for your words that i can read them over and over again and they can be a different revelation every time. You are constantly teaching me new things and help me to always keep an open heart to You.
I forever love you always
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