Romans 13-16
Romans 14:13 13 Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister.
Paul had worked with many churches by the time he wrote this letter to the Romans. He knew that even people in the church are easily swayed by human emotions and weaknesses. One of the greatest human weaknesses is judgment. Thinking we are the judger, thinking we are better than the person next to us.
When someone judges another it doesn't mean one is better than the other, it actually is saying that the person who is judging has the bigger problem. When someone points to finger at another especially pointing out their faults the finger pointer usually has bigger sins to hide, therefore they want to put the spotlight on someone else.
God said that He would judge the world. He is the judger of people, because He is perfect. Jesus told us not to judge others because there will be a day of judgement, where people will get theirs. I sometimes find myself judging others because I feel they are being hypocrites, yet when i think that way I am a hypocrite. It is not my duty to point the finger at someone else and be okay with me only looking at their sins. Even if I know someone is sinning and they are being judgemental, I have to just give it to God. Give God my feelings about the situation, give God my thoughts (good or bad), give God all that I have so that He (the true judge) can take it and do His will.
Thank you for being the true judge. Thank you for taking my bad thoughts and hypocritical feelings and doing your will. I know that i will still have those feelings and may say things I shouldn't in time but Lord during those times (whether i know what i am doing or not) take whats inside of me and throw it out. I don't want to even use the word hypocrite because your grace and mercy has saved us ALL.
I forever love you always
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