Job 35-36; 1 Corinthians 7-8
1 Corinthians 7:17 17 Nevertheless, each person should live as a believer in whatever situation the Lord has assigned to them, just as God has called them. This is the rule I lay down in all the churches.
Paul wrote what he lived. He wrote by example, through his own life, his own temptations, his own weaknesses and strengths. He knew what it was like to live with and in the world and how to live with and in the Spirit. He saw the problems of a marriage from the outside view which means it was worse from the inside. And he lived as a single man wholly devoted to God.
As a believer and a leader, the situations i go through seem to explode 100 x's more. My life and path that i choose is reflected on by others especially for others to see the end result. My sins feel 100 x's worse too. Paul tells me that whatever situation I am in, I need to live as a believer. When i make a mistake...pick myself back up and live as a believer. When someone doesn't like me, don't hate on them back...I am to live as a believer. When I think i have done the worst thing i could do and feel confused, frustrated, numb...I am not to fall back into old ways...I am to live as a believer.
You have assigned me this life. You have given me this time to be with you and follow you and love you. And sometimes I fall back, I sin, I do stupid things and let my flesh take over, but i want to live as Your believer. As someone who believes in You. As someone who worships You. As someone who loves You. Father, forgive my sins that yes i do forget about the sin and only think selfishly. Guide me to your true and forever righteousness,
I forever love you always
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