Psalm 125; Matthew 26-27
Matthew 27:42-44 “He saved others,” they said, “but he can’t save himself! He’s the king of Israel! Let him come down now from the cross, and we will believe in him. 43 He trusts in God. Let God rescue him now if he wants him, for he said, ‘I am the Son of God.’” 44 In the same way the rebels who were crucified with him also heaped insults on him.
The Pharisees and Jews spit on Jesus, yelled at Him, cursed Him, laughed at Him, hit Him, mocked Him, etc. They took a man that they thought was weak and took advantage of the fact that he was bound with shackles. They saw that He wouldn't fight back or even say anything in His defense. They thought they were stronger than Him by what they saw with their eyes.
People are so blind by what they see that they are sheltered from the truth. A persons mind forgets the important things and only remembers the things that get them ahead in life. I'm sure that those people that mocked Jesus thought they were doing the right thing by following everyone else, because it was what other people thought that mattered. And its still the same thousand years later, people today are still blinded by their own selfishness.
People are beat in front of them and they "can't get involved".
People are hurt by others opinions so they feel they have to "take control" and shut people up.
The devil is sitting right in front of them and they shake hands with him instead of kicking his butt.
Its time to open our eyes to what God is saying and doing. He wants us to see the truth for what it is and live by it. Jesus is calling us to stick up for Him now instead of being quiet. No one fought for Him and His rights to live. No one tried to stop the crucifixion. He died. And others laughed.
But now its time. Its time to stick up for Christ. Stick up for His cause and not remain quiet. Its time to love on Jesus and proclaim that Yes He is the Messiah. He is Lord, He is Savior, He is King.
Thank you for your power and authority over my life. You are my Savior yesterday, today and forever. You are King and Majesty over all the earth. You are Lord or Lords and I praise you because you are worthy and Holy.
I forever love you always