Jeremiah 13-15; John 15 John 15:13 13Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.
Jesus came to earth to promote love. He came to change our mind sets and keep us focused on what was important. In the next verses He explains that He came to make us think differently. In the old testament we were slaves. Everyone was a slave, either a slave to God or a slave to the world. Everyone had a master. Yet Jesus came to tell us that we are no longer slaves, that that word was getting a makeover. That instead of slave we are called friends. Through the connection of the Son we are now friends with God because Jesus showed us the secrets to having that one on one connection with Him.
When someone tries to start something not everything will come out perfectly. When God created the world it started out perfect until evil entered and everything became a ruckus. Than Sodom and Gomorrah and more perversion. Than little by little even after God wiped out the people, evil still lingered. However, when Jesus came it wasn't about being perfect it was about love and what that meant.
Love to me is everything. The love of my Father keeps me going. Knowing that God will never assume things, never judge me, never hate, never turn His back is the sole reason I am still here. He is the juice that keeps me thirsted and the food that gives me energy to have the compassion and drive to help those in need. My friends my family are my everything and the Lord has put in me the love that I wouldn't hesitate to lay down my life for them just like Christ laid down His life for me.
Thank you for your unconditional love for me. Thank you that through your love and compassion towards me I can show others the light that you have placed. You are everything that I have and without you I am nothing. Without you I can go nowhere and accomplish nothing. It is because of you that I am still strong.
I forever love you always
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