Isaiah 29-31; James 1 James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
James the brother of Jesus was touched by the spirit and knew he too had to spread the gospel and truth. His letter was more about how to live a pure life than about the story of Jesus. James wanted others to know how to live after the fact. Some people were able to see and hear about Jesus and know what was good and bad. Others needed clear instruction.
Having a relationship with God doesn't require only good works but it is included. When James spoke about religion he wasn't saying only being kind to orphans and widows but go out and look out after all those in need. All those who are alone. All those who can't help themselves. And not to listen to the worlds selfishness and pride but hear the compassionate heart of God and follow that.
Thank you for your word. You inspired great men and women to share your truth and because of that i can worship and know you. Because of your faithful servants i can see you in everything.
Thank you
I forever love you always
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