Ecclesiastes 7-9; Ephesians 4
Ephesians 4:2-6 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. 3Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. 4There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to one hope when you were called— 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 6one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all
Each of us has a calling. They are either being a prophet, evangelist, teacher, apostle, or pastor. Some people think they don't have any of these gifts, but God implanted in us something special. Paul, here, gives us some tips to make sure we are ready for Gods calling and ready to hear Him say to go out and show others what are calling is.
1. Be Gentle
In this step when someone is gentle they are humble enough to show others the true love of Christ. When I'm at the doctors office i would rather have a nurse that is gentle than poke me with needles.When someone is gentle they are also patient. They understand that not everyone is the same and some need more time than others. A gentle person is also filled with love. Love for others and love for themselves.
2.Be Peaceful
It has been prophesied over me that I am a peace maker. When someone wants peace it means they don't want to fight about things.They like to work things out in the nicest way possible. When someone hurts someone of peace, it aches inside their soul because all they want is to have peace with others and not have any trouble. To remain in peace is a tough thing to do yet it surprises others because its not the usual way to handle things.
3. Be One
Know who God is and He will show you who you are. There are other people living in this world that know God yet those people think they are better. God made us equal in His image, once we learn to be gentle and peaceful than God can truly show us who He is and who we are worshipping and serving. If I know God than I'll know His calling and His will for my life.
Thank you for allowing me to know what you want for my life. Thank you for choosing me to be with you and to follow you and to know you. Reveal yourself to me all the days of my life that even when I look away from you, You remain looking at me.
I forever love you always
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