Leviticus 10-12; Acts 16
Leviticus 12: 2b; 4-7a 'A woman who becomes pregnant and gives birth to a son will be ceremonially unclean for seven days, just as she is unclean during her monthly period. 3 On the eighth day the boy is to be circumcised. 4 Then the woman must wait thirty-three days to be purified from her bleeding. She must not touch anything sacred or go to the sanctuary until the days of her purification are over. 5 If she gives birth to a daughter, for two weeks the woman will be unclean, as during her period. Then she must wait sixty-six days to be purified from her bleeding. 6 " 'When the days of her purification for a son or daughter are over, she is to bring to the priest at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting a year-old lamb for a burnt offering and a young pigeon or a dove for a sin offering. 7 He shall offer them before the LORD to make atonement for her, and then she will be ceremonially clean from her flow of blood.
The Old Testament is full of rules and do this if this happens and do that if this comes up. Its actually a book of "i think this will work so lets try it out." There were offerings for just about everything sin, guilt, burnt, etc. There had to be an offering when women had their monthly period, something we can't control. We were unclean longer if we had a girl which seemed like a deeper sin, which is something we couldn't control. It just seemed women were unclean , dirty just because they were women - something WE CAN'T CONTROL!
But i believe God decided enough is enough! No more this or that but hash it out all in one. That is why i thank God for Jesus. Men and women are equals yet differ in so many ways. But Jesus sees women and hold them in the highest regard. In the New Testament He doesn't mention about periods or birth offerings. Only about love and mercy. He threw out all the rules and regulations and brought in freedom to live especially with things we can't control. God didn't get it wrong, He just did things because the generation and culture needed it that way to stay in order, And Jesus came in for the new generation because He knew something needed to change to keep the Gospel fresh and new.
Thank you for Jesus for bringing him into the world and rocking it forever. Thank you for allowing your word to be fresh in ever generation because you know what we all need to keep going. You are the most creative and awesome living God and thank you for being you.
I forever love you always
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