2 Corinthians 2:15 For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.
When someone smells something good they follow it to know what it is. When Jesus walked the earth His followers and haters wanted to know more about Him. There was an aroma that captured them to want more.
And today in God we have the aroma of Christ. When I am guided by Him others smell something sweet and want more of it. And whether one believes in Christ or not the smell is still there and the curiosity is also present. When I allow God in to lead me He spreads His fragrance around to let the world know that i am carrying Him in my heart.
spread your fragrance to this world. Use me as an instrument to the saved and non-saved. Today is a new day and I am prepared for what you have for me. Keep guiding me because without you i am just a blind girl with no path.
I forever love you
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