Genesis 33:4 But Esau ran to meet Jacob and embraced him; he threw his arms around his neck and kissed him. And they wept.
After so many years of Jacob thinking Esau hated him, Jacob wept in his brothers arms. He was tired from wrestling with God and himself that all he could do at this point was weep. He knew that Esau's hug was the hug of God comforting him and weeping with him.
When we go through a time of trials, god feels our pain. He feels what our hearts feel. He feels what pain is pressing me. He feels the suffering, the shame, the depression, and all He does is weep with me. And the farther i think I'm from Him the closer He gets.
weep with me. You know my heart and what i really need. Father, i need you and your shoulder. Be my Saviour today and forever. You are God and i will forever Love you.
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