Acts 15:9-11 He made no distinction between us and them, for he purified their hearts by faith. 10 Now then, why do you try to test God by putting on the necks of the disciples a yoke that neither we nor our fathers have been able to bear? 11 No! We believe it is through the grace of our Lord Jesus that we are saved, just as they are."
Peter was making a stand for the Gentiles that were just saved. They were not familiar with the Jews traditions and just decided to live a new life. When Jesus came to save us He didn't bombard us with a bunch of rules and regulations, He came with love. Peter and the other disciples were trying to convey this so the gentiles could live a Christian life and its worth living. The Pharisees wanted them to live like they lived but there was so much to do that it could've made them want to change their minds.
Christianity is not as complex as people make it out to be. Its actually very simple. God created us, He sent His son to die for our sins, we shouldn't sin, and love God and have a relationship with Him. Our joy and salvation comes from Him therefore we should rejoice in what He has given us. We are Gentiles saved by grace by mercy by love and by death on the cross. Jesus only sees our hearts, not our faces and skin...He sees whats on the inside and thats how we are distinguished. Instead of trying to put so many rules and punishments on people, its time to raise them up and love them like Jesus does. We shouldn't put so much pressure on people or else they will leave God, people is what makes other people step away from God.
I come before you as a vessel wanting to be used by you. I know I can be judgemental, harsh, and stubborn. I ask that you trade those in for love, compassion, and faith. You are the only one that can change me and make me into not only a better person but a better pastor, shephard, leader, servant, helper. God humble me all the days of my life.
I love you Always
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