Melissa's Life Journal

I love God more than anything in this world. I am not perfect and mess up from time to time. Though my heart is true and He knows it.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I will be with you

Exodus 3:11-12 But Moses said to God, "Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?" 12 And God said, "I will be with you. And this will be the sign to you that it is I who have sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you will worship God on this mountain."

God calls everyone for Him. To do the work for this earth, for the people that are suffering and need to know about His love and peace. God called Moses for that. The Israelites were suffering and they wanted to be free. They wanted to live their own lives and finally live with joy in their hearts instead of being bounded by slavery. God called Moses to make a difference in their lives and free them once and for all. But Moses, being human, had his doubts. Even though he was a faithful man and believed in God with his whole heart, he still had those fears in his heart that he would fail. Maybe he thought he wasn't good enough. When he asked God, "Who am I?" That was his fear and doubt talking. That was the side that the enemy wanted to use against him and make him think he wasn't good enough for the call of God.

There have been so many times when I have doubted myself. I doubted if I even deserve to be in the ministry. If I even deserve to be in my office, in this chair, staring at the blue wall. Do i even deserve the blue wall? But God reminds me that He knows my faults and my weaknesses, He knows when I sin and when I just can't help myself. He replied to Moses, "I will be with you." He didn't say, 'Thats right who are you? I shouldn't be calling you!' He told Moses as He is telling me "I WILL BE WITH YOU" Everytime I think I don't deserve something I can't get a nasty attitude and think I do deserve it, because in all actuality I don't, I have failed the will of God, numerous times. But Jesus died on that cross for me. He called me because I can do it, I can lead people to His cross because I know how it feels to fail and to feel that failure. I know how it is to feel lost and discouraged. I know how it feels to want to let go of the good things cause i don't deserve them. I know all that. I just want to get to the place where i hear God saying "I WILL BE WITH YOU". I want to hear that everyday every minute every second. I know God is always saying it, I just have to open my ears for Him.

I know you are with me. And you will never leave my side. You told me this morning that the only way I will know what to do is to read your Word. You have never left my side, and have never told me to go away. You have never said that I don't deserve you or that I am a failure. You have always accepted me and wanted me near you. I want to be with you always God. You are my strength, my courage, my will, and my Saviour. You have brought me to high places and shown me the low places. Father, huumble me to where you want me to be and where I can see you.
I love you always,

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