Matthew 21: 31c-32 Jesus said to them, "I tell you the truth, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you. 32For John came to you to show you the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes did. And even after you saw this, you did not repent and believe him.
Jesus' parables were always to make the people reflect on themselves. Some of the people didn't understand at first because they thought they were doing everything right. But the pharisees were the worst of them all. Jesus tried to show them over and over how prideful they were and how wrong they were in interpreting scriptures and bringing them to life. Essentially, Jesus wanted them to repent but their hearts and minds were full of so much religion and pride they couldn't even see the Messiah in front of them.
In this parable Jesus wants his people to see that even though we say no at first than later believe that's the people He came for. Jesus just wants us to repent and believe and repent and believe. He knows my life isn't gonna be perfect, He knows I'm gonna make mistakes so He wants me to be the son that eventually does the work. He doesn't want me to make empty promises but to be honest with myself. He'd rather me do the work later than me lie to Him. I'm gonna fall and sin but if i get up and repent and believe Gods promises I'm better than those people who know the Bible cover to cover but have no mercy.
I am Gods creation. I am not perfect but I strive for a better tomorrow. I was made in Gods image yet I am human. I may fall, i may displease God and others. I may be lazy and messy sometimes but only the Lord knows my heart and He loves me. He put me here because He believes in me and I believe in Him.
I am not physically a prostitute but i want to be one. A person who makes mistakes but believes in the end. And i believe now. With all my heart. Forgive me for saying no at first and for doing things that don't please you. I want to be your instrument that you use. Keep me in check Lord.
I forever love you