Mark 7:15 Nothing outside a man can make him 'unclean' by going into him. Rather, it is what comes out of a man that makes him 'unclean.
During the time Jesus was trying to teach the people He had to change their way of thinking. In the Old Testament there were many rules and regulations which many people were still living by even though it happened hundreds of years ago. Jesus wanted them to know it wasn't about what they ate or heard that was important but it was what they said and did that mattered.
Yes, God is included in the details of my life and wants to know the ins and outs but whats important to Him is how i react to things, how i live my life, how i present myself. Its what comes out of me that's in my heart which is why its so important. Whatever feelings are in my heart is how i will present God. If i am bitter, angry, prideful, jealous then that's how God will be seen through me. But if i act in love, joy, gratefulness and forgiveness than That's how God will be seen through me. I am an instrument for Him to be used for Him and by Him therefore I have to be wise about what I let out of my mouth and body.
Give me the wisdom to be a mature woman. I want to live according to your will even though it is extremely hard at time, help me to see things through your eyes because i can say things out of frustration. Forgive me for not wholly trusting you in my life and heart. Have mercy on me and keep me in your service.
I forever love you