Acts 18:11 Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.
Not everyone we preach to will receive the message as openly as others. The Bereans I believe were more curious than anything else. Maybe their reason for searching the Word wasn't a spiritual one but that's what it became. Their curiosity brought them to God.
My mission is not to force the gospel down someones throat but ti peek their interest. If i spark something than they'll want to learn more. They'll want to seek more and find more. My job is to plant seeds than when the person wants to be watered I'll have the jar full of living water.
Give me the opportunity to plant seeds. Lord, my voice, my life, my heart, my everything is yours to use and have. Keep me close to you so i can see you and find you. Use me in any way you want. I am open for you.
I love you Always